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Fieldbus technology is a vital part of automation and we have extensive knowledge of integrating various Fieldbus protocols into industrial processes, enabling manufacturers to reap the benefits this system provides.

In a nutshell, Fieldbus is a communication network between input and output devices delivering connection and control functionality, within a manufacturing site via one cable only. This significantly reduces wiring quantity and expenditure, whilst allowing swift installation.

Other benefits are that Fieldbus allows multiple points to communicate rapidly and simultaneously without having to connect each individual device back to the controller (eg. PLC), so can enable data communication between devices over large distances.

In addition, this intelligent, robust technology provides increased reliability of systems, protection against interference and cannot be influenced by external factors. It is a system that will work with your existing equipment, which does not all need to be from the same manufacturer, and has great adaptability so it is future fit.

This technology is complex, but hassle-free and highly advantageous once installed, so you can rely on our skills to handle the full set-up and implementation.

Some of the Fieldbus protocols we regularly work with are:

  • Allen Bradley RIO
  • Allen Bradley DH485
  • Allen Bradley DH+
  • Allen Bradley ControlNet
  • DeviceNet
  • EtherNet/IP
  • Modbus RTU
  • Modbus TCP
  • AS-Interface
  • CC-Link
  • HART

Fieldbus Safety Protocols

  • ASIsafe
  • EtherNet/IP CIP Safety

Fieldbus Topology Examples​

Fieldbus - example 1
Fieldbus - example 2
Fieldbus - example 3


For more information about our control system capabilities and to discover how we can help you improve manufacturing efficiencies, contact us on – 07359006338 /